Friday, September 19, 2008

Not long now . . .


Again it has been a bit of time since last I wrote. My only excuse is that it becomes difficult to get to this after a while, it becomes something you feel obligated to do no matter how mundane the "drivel" you write.

So, here goes . . . went back to Montana again last weekend with friend Ranger Bob the younger. We did a fast trip up to Missoula to get the new kevlar canoe he had ordered. Even though it was a lot of driving in about 25 hours, it was fun. We came back through the Bitteroot Canyon and stopped at the "Big Hole National Battlefield" Historical monument. It is where the U.S. Cavlary ambushed Chief Joseph's Nez Pierce bands when they were attempting to flee to Canada. It was pretty interesting place, another sorry saga in American History. Bob Henry & Me, "Big Hole Battlefield"

The weeks have sped by and I am again preparing to leave Grand Teton Park next week, probably for the last time as a ranger. Events in the last couple of weeks have made that more a sure thing. I am too outspoken to work for the government. But the last 10 years have been a good run in a wonderful place. Ron & Brooke at their Lander House

I am on my last days off for the season. Wednesday, after work I headed down to visit my friends Brooke and Ron in Lander, WY. Ron is the person who introduced me to Wyoming and the Tetons about 18 years ago. Even though we only see each other once a year, we have remained steadfast friends. Real friends are few and far between in a lifetime
Ron & Me @ Sink's Canyon, Lander, WY

Movie Reviews: I liked the Coen Brothers new romp, "Read Before Burning," with Clooney, McDormand, Swinton, Pitt, et al. It is a dark comedy with very interesting characters. Again, this is not for everyone. "Traitor" with Don Cheadle was OK, better than most of the oft mentioned sparce quality of the summer.

This is probably my farewell blog from the Tetons. Next one will come from beautiful downtown Flagstaff. Fall colors in Grand Teton, Mt Moran

Cheers all!

Monday, September 8, 2008

I'm Back . . . But not in Flag Yet!

Howdy Folks,

It has been many miles put on my Subaru since last I wrote. The trip to Glacier National Park with "Old Ranger Bob" (not to be confused with "Ranger Bob," the younger) went well for us. The weather was not all that good, rained some, but not really bad either. Besides the scenery itself in that park, one of our high points was to see our good acquaintance, "Old Ranger Doug" present his evening program at Lake McDonald Lodge. He is about 81 years old and still sharp as a tack. He has been a ranger there for over 45 years. He always greets us with, "there's those Teton boys!" His program is about the history of the Glacier Park area and is a good example of what a ranger program should be. He packed the room and everyone there seemed to genuinely enjoy the program.

It was a bit of a meloncholy trip for us since it will probably be our last together since I have decided to "hang it up" on this "ranger gig." After 10 years, which have been wonderful for the most part, it just isn't fun anymore. I love the people I work with and have made some of my closest friends here, the two Bobs, Cindy (MooseLee), and Laine Thom. It saddens me in that respect. That is, knowing that in some cases, I will not see them much, or ever again. Luckily Bob and Cindy are moving to AZ. But enough of that . . . it is on to other things in life, most notably my youngest offsprings wedding in early October after I depart theses great mountains.

Another highlight of our trip to Glacier was seeing 6 bears, 4 Grizzlies, two Black. This is by far the most ever in that park for me after 7 trips. It has been a big "bear season" for me in all these parks, Grand Teton, Yellowstone, and now Glacier. Since I consider the bear my "totem," I hope it bodes well for my future.

I have 14 duty days left here as a ranger and although it will be sad to leave, I am ready.