It has been almost a month since my last posting here. Not that my life is so busy that I do not have time to write, it is just that I have lost motivation to do it, not too mention anything to say.
Most of what has taken up my time, at least in my head, is getting Natasha and Jason off to Japan. There have been delays with government paperwork and a further trip down to Luke Air Force Base. It looks as if they will be flying out of AZ on March 31st, and Seattle the next day. This has been a stressful time for all of us and a combination of that and excitement for Tasha and Jason. Finally, they will be on their own as a married couple albeit in foreign land. Ah, to be young and have the whole adventure ahead! I will miss them.
The weeks have seemed to fly by and the winter has been long here in Flagstaff. However, I have enjoyed it with the opportunities to go XC skiing so abundant this season. Spring will be on us in another week but who knows if the global weather patterns will oblige with warmer weather. Many here in Flag are ready for it but I would not mind a few more days of skiing. Last weekend was Natasha's 29th birthday and we went skiing on Wednesday as part of her week long b-day celebration. This is her second time this winter after an 11 year hiatus. She has done well with it, not to mention having fun. But, from here on her outdoor fun will have more of a tropical bent in Okinawa.
There was a job offer in the Tetons but I turned it down. It was my dream job to work in the backcountry permits office. But in order to accept it I would have had 3 roommates, one sharing a bedroom with me. I am too old for that. I could share a place but not a bedroom. There is still a chance for an Interp. Ranger position but if it has the same arrangement in accomodations the decision on my part will be the same. I think they are trying to tell me something up there. At any rate, there is still a Grand Canyon gate or campground ranger position still in the wind. But, travelling this summer sounds a lot more enticing.
Movies: The Oscars and other awards shows went pretty much according to script. I was happy about Jeff Bridges and The Hurt Locker winning. Films I have seen lately have not been all that exciting to me. I took Tasha to see Alice in Wonderland, as I did when she was a child. She liked it very much; I thought it only OK. I saw Green Zone yesterday. I liked it but it is very politically explosive. Matt Damon is good in it. But, it is not Bourne like, a bit more real. The worst movie I have seen lately is Cop Out with Bruce Willis and the guy on 30 Rock. It was absolutely terrible. I wasn't expecting a great movie just good entertainment . . . I was wrong.
Adios for now!