Tuesday, April 27, 2010

California and Back!

Hey Folks,

I'm back in Flagstaff after about 8 days in partially sunny southern California. It rained a couple of those days, one of which was while I was attending my grandson Zac's baseball game last Tuesday. The umpires let it go to the 5th inning. Thought they stopped baseball for rain, guess I'm getting old. In all, between the three grandsons, I went to 7 games. It was good seeing the boys. They have grown substantially since my last visit in September. Zac has sprouted up and become a lot leaner. He is no longer the small guy on his teams and now that he is 13, a full blown teenager with all that comes with that.

Zac, Torin & Cole

I stayed with my sister Norma and "her guy," Scott. He is the nicest guy you would ever want to meet and as cordial a host as is my sister. They are a good complement to each other. I told her she made a good choice to finish out life. He is a kind man and shows in many small ways how much he cares for her.

Of course I had many good meals prepared by my eldest daughter Tania. She is excellent in that regard and I enjoy her company and my son-in-law Steve's, when he is around. He is always at work, or coaching/managing all the ball teams the boys are involved with. They are good parents.

So, I'm back in Flagstaff and getting into the "swing of spring." It looks like I may have a new "romantic" interest as well. Her name is Joanne and we have been acquaintances for a bit but have turned things up a notch upon my return. We spoke quite a bit on the phone while I was in California. It is kind of "May/December" thing if you know that reference (she is 42). Today was her birthday and she took the day off so we spent most of it together. We had fun and laughed a lot. That will probably "titillate" some your interests since she is a bare 2 months older than my eldest and a matter of a couple of days older than niece Kimberly. But she is interested. What can I say?

No word from the Park Service so my days as a Ranger are probably over. It was a good run and I will still visit the Tetons this summer.

Movies: I went to what I thought were three good independent films while in California. The first, Greenberg, featured Ben Stiller in a different kind of role as somewhat despicable 40 year old house sitting his brother's place in Calif. This is a good performance by him but not an especially "up" kind of film. I liked it and do not usually like his stuff. The second, The Joneses, with Demi Moore and David Decovney (sp) was an interesting comment on consumerism in the US. They part of a put together family that goes into affluent neighborhoods to live and display all of their new gadgets, getting their neighbors to buy them through peer pressure. The last one I saw was the best of a good lot. That one was City Island with Andy Garcia and Julianne Marggules from The Good Wife and ER . It is about a NY family living in an Island part of the Bronx. They are a pretty dysfunctional group, but fun to watch. The young son is fixated on really large women and is on the Internet looking for those sites. Garcia's character is a prison guard who secretly goes to acting classes while telling his wife he is playing poker. All these films were thoroughly enjoyable viewing.

Adios for now!

Saturday, April 3, 2010

Good Afternoon . . .

And it is a good afternoon here in Flagstaff, AZ. It has been a week of "comings and goings" in my life and those around me. Firstly, from the beginning of the week through the middle Natasha and Jason made there way through various stops in Arizona to Seattle and to their final destination, Japan. The early week was fraught with anxiety, angst, and nervous energy as we all tried to get them on their way. The last minute, and final (most crucial) obstacle to their departure was the government $$$ being put in their account on Monday. This they needed to pay for lodging and meals on the way. After an arduous and exhausting 20 hour trip they finally arrived in their new home, Okinawa.

They are finally on their own in an exciting foreign country. Tasha called and related their adventures getting there and how wonderful Jason's new boss was in getting them into their temporary housing, stocking with groceries, and taking them to dinner. I would say that is a good start for them.

So much for one of the important "goings," as it were. As to the comings, niece Kimberly, her husband Dennis and my great niece and nephew, Melissa, and Kyle arrived Thursday evening on their way home from San Diego to Denver (their Spring Break). We had a great visit and took a trip to the Grand Canyon together on Friday. They left early this morning for their marathon drive back to Littleton, CO. for Easter tomorrow and school and work on Monday. It was a nice visit and fun to have them be the first family members (outside of Natasha) to spend a couple of nights at my condo.

Now I sit here all alone in my solitude. I am not lonely per se, but do feel a "twinge" knowing that it will be a little more difficult to live here without being able to talk to my youngest offspring as frequently as in the past. For that matter I wouldn't mind being able to talk more often with my eldest. Even when Tasha lived in London we were able to talk several times during the week, in New York it was almost daily, and here, in Flag, it was daily. So, that will be something I will have to get use to. But, life is change if it nothing else.

In most cases Movies have "sucked" lately. This is what one might call the doldrums for film releases. This is usually the time of year when the studios dump their not so excellent works, that is, after the Oscars. The other day, in between the departures and arrivals mentioned above, I went to see something that I would not have gone to had I not read a couple of good reviews. It was heralded as being as good as Hang Over, a surprising funny comedy. Do not bother with Hot tub Time Machine, enough said. She's Out of My League was not bad. The best by far in my estimation is one of those little gems that sneak in during this period, The Ghost Writer, with Ewan McGregor and Peirce Brosnan. Roman Polanski directed this political thriller and it is very interesting and well acted.

In additon, the Vernal Equinox, beginning of spring, happened a couple of weeks ago and the days are getting longer again. Let me wish all who still read this ode to nothing, a happy spring and may it bring new growth to all!
