November and the leaves are falling and near the end of their cycle toward winter here. We have had a bit of snow on the peaks and a couple of chilly rain storms in town. For the past week night time temps have been below freezing, and in fact, in the 20s most of the week with exception of Friday morning when it was 19. The days have been pleasantly in the 40s to low 50s. This is my favorite kind of weather. I can break out all of my fleece and start wearing my winter clothes. The only disturbing thing is the forecast for a La Nina, which does not bode well for a snowy winter.
As I understand it, La Nina winters mean that the jet-stream bends further north, giving the largest amount of moisture to the pacific northwest and northern Rockies, while the southwest gets a cold dry winter. During El Nino years the jet-stream dips to the south giving us more snow. It all derives from changes in the Pacific Ocean currents. At any rate, it doesn't look good for cross-country skiing this season.
I am trying to "rev up" for the coming holiday season. So far I am pretty much done with a Christmas package that will be sent out to Okinawa in the next week sometime (got to get it across the Pacific before the holiday rush). As for my stateside daughter and her family I am marshaling my resources to get their stuff together early as well. Thanksgiving dinner is going to be at the El Tovar Lodge restaurant at the Grand Canyon with my recently deceased friend John Haynes family. It was a tradition with them and they have invited me to join them. It should be a bit of a "bittersweet" affair for all of us. In addition, I have been invited to Prescott that weekend to have another "Thanksgiving" with my friends the Hammond's. So, there should be no dearth of turkey for this elderly gentleman.
This is the time of year where thoughts tend to stray toward my mother. As I have mentioned before, Christmas is just not the same since her passing. I miss her everyday but it seems that Christmas is the worst. Don't get me wrong I have wonderful memories of her during the holidays even though she out "curmudgeoned" me the last few years of her life concerning this holiday. We spent many a solitary Xmas Eve and morning those last few years. In earlier years the family would all come over to Mom's on Xmas Eve, even if it meant just stop offs as was the case for Tania and her young family. They had so many family obligations in other places. At least they made the effort to be there for a little while.
I think Mom's souring on this holiday stemmed more from her feeling that she could no longer do family members justice in terms of presents with her limited income. I tried, as did Norma and Marlene, to make her last few holidays good for her. I had vowed a long time before that she would never be alone Christmas Eve and Morning. I accomplished that, and now often as not I spend the Eve alone (mostly by my own choosing).
Movies: I have seen three films since last I blogged. I must say that as the holiday rush begins that one of the three Due Date I personally found to be less than desirable. I did not find it that funny as it should have been. Robert Downey, Jr did not live up to expectations and that Galfidikus (sp) guy is a "one trick pony." He plays the same character in every movie. Besides, this film was already done much better by Steve Martin and John Candy, Planes, Trains, & Cars . . ." A bit better comedy, which is not getting great reviews, is Morning Glory with Rachel McAdams, Diane Keaton, & Harrison Ford. I found this to be a nice and pleasantly amusing film, especially Keaton and Ford's performances. McAdams is a bit over the top with her endless "perkiness." The spliced in romantic part between McAdams and Wilson seems a bit forced and superfluous. The best of the three movies was Unstoppable starring Denzel Washington and Chris Pine. This was a gripping, non-stop thriller based on the true story of a runaway train in Pennsylvania. I have to say that I was so tense watching it that I came out of the theater with the "shakes," good movie!
I look forward to the better holiday films the studios release to get Oscar nods. Some of the ones I'm waiting for are: the remake of True Grit, The King's Speech, The Fighter, The Tourist, The Tempest, Blue Valentine, and Black Swan. Of course there may be others, especially independent films that I may have an opportunity to see in San Diego over the holidays.
Hope you all have a nice Thanksgiving, and good luck/"break a leg" to my great niece, Melissa, in her Nutcracker performances.