Friday, March 4, 2011


Spring is almost here Folks!

What? I am not ready for that. We had a nice 6-8" snow storm (depending what part of town you are in) here in Flagstaff last Sunday. I got a couple of days of XC skiing. But, it immediately warmed up all this week. Even though night time temps are still below freezing, it has been in the low 50s most days. Some mornings I leave for the gym and it is 10-25 degrees. By the time my workout is concluded, a couple of hours later, it is 48 and going higher. After the abundance of the white stuff last winter, I am little "bummed" with this winter's production.

I received word from my new boss in Yellowstone that I had successfully passed my background investigation so am indeed officially accepted to work there this late spring/summer/early fall. That is good news but did not really think I wouldn't pass the check. It looks as though, unless something unforeseen happens, I will be leaving beautiful downtown Flagstaff around May 4th and returning in early October.

I am quite looking forward to the change in my life. Afraid that I may have been getting a little "stale" of late. Of course, it was usually the case in the Tetons when I worked there that by the time August rolled around, we were all chomping at the bit to get home. Be that as it may, I love the Greater Yellowstone area, and the opportunity to be there for that long period of time. In addition, it is very nice to see my few friends who still work in the Tetons.

Not much else has been happening here. Tuesday was my middle grandson Cole's 12th birthday and next Monday is my lovely youngest (Tasha) offspring's 30th birthday. It is difficult to believe that my daughters are in their 30s and 40s. Where did the time go? For a person who never desired children I love them dearly and cannot conceive that they would never have been in my life. So Happy Birthday to Cole and Natasha!

Speaking of B-Days mine passed by with a bit of snow on the ground and a nice Mexican dinner made for me by an old friend, Ruth DeBoard. She even made me a homemade cherry pie, always my favorite instead of cake. All-in-all, it was a nice 65th birthday as I fade into "geezerhood."

Movies: Since last I blogged, I have seen a few more films during this period where the releases are usually the ones that would not make anyone's best films list (with very occasional exceptions). However, I continue to go to the movies. It is in my blood, or at least maybe my psyche. The Unknown with Liam Neeson and Diane Krueger was a fairly fast paced international thriller. It is one of my favorite genres and I liked this film even though one has to suspend logic/reality for some elements of the plot. I had great hopes for Hall Pass, well probably not "great hope," but at least a bit of expectation as it was a Farrelly Brothers film, but it was crap. The film I viewed today was much better and interesting. Again, it was one that there needed to be a bit of suspension from reality but it was a fantasy that asked us to look at the idea of "fate." Plus, it was a nice love story. The Adjustment Bureau, with Matt Damon and Emily Blount (I love her), is not an extraordinary film, but highly entertaining.

That's about it from here in Northern Arizona.

Adios Amigos y Amigas