My sister Norma and Me
I got to five films during my stay. My daughter, Tania, and sister Marlene suggested I should include movie reviews in my blogs. Since "celluloid" has been a big part of my life I decided that I might try it once in a while. So, here goes . . .
Of the films I saw while in California Smart People was the best. It is a comedy worth seeing with Dennis Quaid playing a professor, Ellen Page (from Juno) his daughter who is a "hard charging" high school republican, Thomas Haydon Church, his bumbling step brother, and Sarah Jessica Parker, a Doctor and former student. The chemistry was good between characters. I found it funny and the acting was very good, especially Church and Page.
Other films were Stop Loss, Forgetting Sarah Marshal, Street Kings, and Horton Hears a Who (with Grandson Torin and Tania). These are listed in descending order of quality. The first, Stop Loss, is excellent and probably very under-rated. It is about what happens to troops who come home from Iraq thinking their enlistment is over. They are made to stay in the armed forces and return to the war zone. Ryan Philippe (his best acting to date) and others do a great job in their roles. The script is wonderfully realistic as well. The last two films are not worth seeing. Kings is an overblown and violent debacle wasting the talent of Forrest Whittaker and Keanu Reeves (the latter has questionable talent to begin with). Even my grandson fell asleep during Horton! Forgetting was OK but nothing special to my way of thinking.
Flagstaff is warm and sunny (lest you forget my weather channel approach). I begin in ernest to pack for my coming five months in Wyoming. The week will be a busy one and my apartment has lists all over the place; don't want to forget anything. It will be nice to get back to work as a ranger, although I do love my winters here.
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