Sometimes when you begin something like this blog it becomes a burden to come up with something to say. I know it has not really been one of much substance, just my own musings. There are many more out there that purport to give you all kinds of "news, " philosophical renderings, and just pure nonsense. For me, this has been more a diary than a journalistic endeavor.
For the past couple of weeks my focus has been on work, and four days off spent partially with a visiting friend (Marc) from AZ, and the rest travelling in Yellowstone and to Bozeman, Montana with other close friends (Bob & Cindy Henry). It was good to get away from the park for a while. Even though this is a beautiful place, we rangers get pretty "burned out" by August.
Double rainbow in Bozeman
The park has been experiencing its usual influx of the rude and "driven" August visitors. We are hoping that in the next week the tide will change and and the numbers will go down with school starting in many places. The real change comes after Labor Day. At that point there are fewer children (except "homeschoolers") and more mellow, mature visitors. Plus, there is the added bonus of the fall colors beginning.
The weather in the last few days has changed from very hot (in 80s) to a bit cooler days and chilly nights in the 30s. I think we are beginning to feel a tinge of fall approaching. No sign yet of the aforementioned colors though. That will be a couple of weeks down the road.
This time of my season here makes me antsy to get back to Flagstaff. I have one more big activity to look forward to before I depart; and that is my annual trip to Glacier National Park with Ranger Bob, the elder. Since this may be the last one for us it becomes more important to me. I love that park and it will be my 8th trip there, once with my youngest daughter, once with a woman no longer around and the balance with Bob. We both look forward to seeing old Ranger Doug there. He is in his early 80s and still doing programs.

Me, Ranger Doug, & Bob
Movie reviews: It has been a tradition that when Marc visits me here we go to a really bad film and that has been upheld with the movie Pineapple Express. Even though many critics gave it decent reviews my opinion is that it is disjoined "crap" made for 15 year old males. Although I laughed in parts, it is not something worth spending the money. The other film was Tropic Thunder. Once again proving to me that Ben Stiller, like Will Ferrell is a "one trick pony." It is better than the first film but not by much. Again, I cannot wait until this long summer of forgettable films is over. Those of note were far between and few; The Visitor, The Counterfeiters, The Dark Knight, and maybe, Iron Man.
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