Hey All,
Am sitting at home this morning instead of going to the gym. I rarely miss a workout day during the week. But it seems my allergies, after continuous strong winds here in Flagstaff, have evolved into a bad cold. Colds seem to enter my body at least once a year. The older I get the more annoying these maladies become.
Illness is interesting in how it affects your psyche. In light of the fact that I get all my immunizations and flu shots as a preventive action it always suprises me how the common cold persists as an uncurable ailment. I try not to let it get me down by attempting to combat it through the usual means but at the same time it is difficult to stay home all day. Luckily, it does not "lay me low" so the only limitation I place on myself is to cut-out my workouts for a couple of days. Even though I have not taken advantage of it, it is nice to have woman in my life who is a nurse.

Speaking of which, Joanne and I had a very good weekend together, especially Friday and Saturday. We continue to get to know each other better. Even with the illness life seems a bit more interesting these days. I do not know how long things will last between us (hopefully for good while) but there is a definite upswing in my attitude and demeanor. Romance may be my drug of choice. It is difficult to say since it has been a good while since I've had that kind of "buzz" in my life.
At any rate, life is pretty good these days all things being equal. Since I have not gotten any notification from the park service for this summer, I have begun to plan some trips. June will be my month for a sojourn to Colorado and Wyoming. In July my tentative plan is to hit the Shakepearean Festival in Cedar City. My goal is to see Macbeth and Much Ado About Nothing. In August I will make another trip to southern Cal to visit family. September is still open. If I can pull together the funds I'd like to visit Ranger Bob, the younger, in Alaska. Another possiblity is trip back up to WY to go to Glacier Park with Ranger Bob, the Elder. As you can see it is a very robust plan and other factors may cause changes, not the least my new relationship. I may need to shorten some of these trips in order to be able to spend time with Joanne, or not.
Movies: Since my last transmission, I have seen two films. Iron Man II, with Robert Downey Jr in the title role. This movie is very entertaining. It is worth seeing but not as good as the first one. The second, The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo is an excellent Swedish thriller. It is rather long and has subtitles but well worth it. Also, I should warn you that there are some pretty graphic rape scenes in it, not so much nudity as violence.
I am looking forward to this Friday's release of the Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchette's version of Robin Hood. I have read that this will be a different, non-traditional approach to this often produced fabled story. It seems to be much on par with the reinterpretation of King Arthur featuring Clive Owen a few years ago. At any rate this is only the beginning of the summer onslaught of films that will be, for the most part, pablum for the masses. If we are lucky there will be a few gems buried amongst them.
Cheers all . . . Adios for now.
Am sitting at home this morning instead of going to the gym. I rarely miss a workout day during the week. But it seems my allergies, after continuous strong winds here in Flagstaff, have evolved into a bad cold. Colds seem to enter my body at least once a year. The older I get the more annoying these maladies become.
Illness is interesting in how it affects your psyche. In light of the fact that I get all my immunizations and flu shots as a preventive action it always suprises me how the common cold persists as an uncurable ailment. I try not to let it get me down by attempting to combat it through the usual means but at the same time it is difficult to stay home all day. Luckily, it does not "lay me low" so the only limitation I place on myself is to cut-out my workouts for a couple of days. Even though I have not taken advantage of it, it is nice to have woman in my life who is a nurse.
Speaking of which, Joanne and I had a very good weekend together, especially Friday and Saturday. We continue to get to know each other better. Even with the illness life seems a bit more interesting these days. I do not know how long things will last between us (hopefully for good while) but there is a definite upswing in my attitude and demeanor. Romance may be my drug of choice. It is difficult to say since it has been a good while since I've had that kind of "buzz" in my life.
At any rate, life is pretty good these days all things being equal. Since I have not gotten any notification from the park service for this summer, I have begun to plan some trips. June will be my month for a sojourn to Colorado and Wyoming. In July my tentative plan is to hit the Shakepearean Festival in Cedar City. My goal is to see Macbeth and Much Ado About Nothing. In August I will make another trip to southern Cal to visit family. September is still open. If I can pull together the funds I'd like to visit Ranger Bob, the younger, in Alaska. Another possiblity is trip back up to WY to go to Glacier Park with Ranger Bob, the Elder. As you can see it is a very robust plan and other factors may cause changes, not the least my new relationship. I may need to shorten some of these trips in order to be able to spend time with Joanne, or not.
Movies: Since my last transmission, I have seen two films. Iron Man II, with Robert Downey Jr in the title role. This movie is very entertaining. It is worth seeing but not as good as the first one. The second, The Girl with the Dragon Tatoo is an excellent Swedish thriller. It is rather long and has subtitles but well worth it. Also, I should warn you that there are some pretty graphic rape scenes in it, not so much nudity as violence.
I am looking forward to this Friday's release of the Russell Crowe, Cate Blanchette's version of Robin Hood. I have read that this will be a different, non-traditional approach to this often produced fabled story. It seems to be much on par with the reinterpretation of King Arthur featuring Clive Owen a few years ago. At any rate this is only the beginning of the summer onslaught of films that will be, for the most part, pablum for the masses. If we are lucky there will be a few gems buried amongst them.
Cheers all . . . Adios for now.
Congratulations on romance! Cindy and I are happy for you. I've been doing seasonal training for the past three weeks up at headquarters. Tomorrow I return to Talkeetna. Summer is shaping up well at work, but I wish I was heading several thousand miles south rather than 150. As always, thanks for the Mountain Gazettes. I should put pen to paper and get a real letter to you. Miss you man!
Good to hear from you Bob. I too miss seeing you guys, especially our Teton days. I miss morning coffee, pancakes at "Jeds," hikes, trips to Yellowstone, etc. Those were good times!
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