Haven't been with you for awhile, again. Seems to get more cumbersome to write something, especially since the only feedback I get is from daughter Natasha. Who, by the way, has her own much better written and more interesting blog coming from Okinawa. You'll have to contact her on Facebook if you are interested. I am not to give out the address, only she will "anoint" those deemed appropriate for it.
As alluded to above (and obvious to all of you) October has whizzed by. Tomorrow is "All Hallows Eve," Natasha's favorite "holiday." Last weekend my friend Marc came up to Flagstaff and we hiked in the Kachina Peaks (also known as San Francisco Peaks officially, but not to Hopis or Navaho's). The colors were outstanding. The Aspens were in their full glory, or maybe just a bit passed prime. It has been difficult to get up there lately with all the rain and wind we had before and since our hike. In fact, the Aspens around my condos are already nude of leaves with all the storms we have had. Ahead we are supposed to have a week of sunny, 60+ degree days. However, we are never sure of the wind situation. Today was nice but with about 20mph gusts.
Next week are the elections. I am dreading that, or the result of it. I have voted already. I get an early mailed ballot. In all probabilty my votes will not matter much having voted straight democrat. In AZ, for statewide elections the "other" party usually wins. But, I have voted in every election since coming of legal age and I do not believe that you earn a right to "bitch" if you don't vote.
The political climate is so hostile these days. There are no compromises what so ever. Everyone wanted change and they voted for Obama, but like a bunch of "instant gratification" babies, they think things change overnight. Look at what we had before when the republicans controlled everything. They are the ones who got us in this mess with their greedy ways. Now, all these people want to bring them back with their same approach that got us here. The Tea Party people do not present alternatives; they just "bitch." Most of them are frightened white people who are afraid of the "colored horde"that they think is taking everything from them. Most of their rhetoric and those of the so-called conservative pundits seem a bit racist to me.
The world has changed. The United States is a backward facing nation. We are frightened of everything different. The religious right is no better than the extreme elements of Islam. They proselytize about everything that was accepted scientific fact in the previous century. Everyone wants what science brings us technologically (IPads, IPhone, etc.) but do not believe in the basic tenets of science. Are we doomed as nation to keep going down this path of IGNORANCE. No one reads books or reputable news sources, and those that read only get their information from the Internet and believe what any "yahoo" writes on their blog with out proof (that includes mine). I hope we do not continue on this path as a nation or as individuals. We need people who are critical thinkers, not just uneducated demagogues spouting "bullshit" as Hitler did in the 30s. Dumb is not good, only pitiful. We do not need followers blindly falling in line behind the likes of Sarah Palin (the epitome of ignorant), Glenn Beck, Ann Coulter, and others.
Not much else going on in my world. I have seen a few movies since last I posted. Today I saw Nowhere Boy, a really good film about the early years of John Lennon's life, his relationships with his aunt who raised him and his mother are key. I was pleasantly surprised that this small independent film made it to Flag. It is very well done and a bit sad. The performances by the actors are great. Yesterday I went down to Scottsdale to see the opening of the final Swedish film in the trilogy that started with The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo. I have read all three books and seen the first two films. This one, The Girl who Kicked the Hornet's Nest, relies very heavily on viewers having seen the previous two, or read the books, others, I fear will be lost. I like it very much but I knew what was going on.
Hereafter is an interesting film and an especially different subject matter for the director, Clint Eastwood. Matt Damon and Belgian actress Cecile De France do a good job in a movie that is a little weak at certain points. I have loved Cecile since seeing her in the french film Avenue Montaigne. I enjoyed very much the movie RED. It is a bit over the top but is supposed to be. After all, it comes from DC Comics. Bruce Willis, Helen Mirren (another favorite), Morgan Freeman, and John Malkovich romp around fighting their former employers the CIA who have retired them and now want to get rid of them. Secretariat is a nice and predictable presentation that has as it's main asset Diane Lane, another actress I adore.
That's about it from windswept Flagstaff for now. Happy Halloween and election day. At the very least get out and exercise your right as an American, VOTE!
Cheers all!
Well Daddio, I do not think that I am the only person who reads you, AND I would not have a problem with anyone of your readers reading my blog. There are just certain people on Facebook I would rather not have butting into my business...none of them are family, family friends or close friends.
The picture of you is awesoeme. You should put it as your FB profile pic!
Also, I think, not everyone is stupid and extreme. There were 200,000 people at the Rally for Sanity, this week. And Jason and I certainly know a ton of people who read and think...so NOT ALL IS LOST. Just don't rely on me. I am an expat and happy to be one. Perhaps I believe that my country failed me, perhaps I just have never (except for the last two years) in my adult life felt it had anything to do with what I thought. Well after this debacle of an election, I will remain proud to be somewhat, in my mind, country-less.
I love you and you are awesome!!!
Thanks daughter dear but 200,000 sane people are drop in the bucket and just knowing some others doesn't help much. However, I am still American and so are you unless you are planning on giving up your passport. I love you too!
PS Kimby and her Mom read me too!
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