My sister Norma and I rode the trolley from Santee (in east county) to downtown San Diego to visit with Jodie Hulden, a high school classmate of hers, and the aforementioned lady in question. Jodie had a photographic showing at the Art Walk on the Bay. We had a "jolly fellows well met" time of it with her and I bought one of her exquisite black and white photos reminiscent of Ansel Adams work. While conversing it dawned on me that it was maybe 50 years ago that Jodie and I had gone out on that date. Wow, that is half a century! Incidentally, she looks as beautiful as she did at 15, or so. I am not sure why we did not go out again but am sure it probably had something to do with me. But, for as little good as it does me, I have a huge "crush" on her yet again.
In peering back through the reverse telescope of time it is often interesting to see how we interpret our past. For instance, Jodie mentioned that she had been somewhat frightened of me at the time. I queried her on that because I always thought of my self as pretty unintimidating where girls were concerned, in fact not very confident. Her reply was that, "You were EVAN RAGSDALE!," as if that meant something in the High School hierarchy of the time. We discussed it and my whole perception of myself for that period was thrown off. Which points to the fact that you never know how you may be perceived by others, especially in those teen years.
The trip to San Diego county was a good one and I got to visit most of my close relatives with the exception of my sister Marlene and her daughter Ashley Louise. As is usually the case I ran up and down the county to catch up with my daughter Tania, my grandsons, and her husband Steve. The boys were busy with all the athletic teams they are involved with. I did get to see each of the three in a game each while there. I had more quality time with the two eldest of my grandsons, Zac and Cole. That was nice! Torin, the youngest, was usually on the computer. And, as I say every time, Norma (sister) and Scott (bro-in-law) were more than cordial and hospitable in allowing me to stay with them. In fact this was the first trip over there for me since Norma retired. Hence our trolley trip, movie and seeing a bit more of each other.

Daughter Natasha and her husband Jason have had to endure two very large typhoons in Okinawa in the passed couple of weeks. Although they made it through them fine their apartment was flooded under their hardwood floors from water that blew in under vents on one side of their upstairs abode. Now, with the exception of a couple of rooms they are dealing with torn-up floor boards and a construction zone in their living quarters. The weather has put a crimp in her new found passion, sailing. She recently was certified to solo in that regard. In addition, she is, as is her custom, planning for her favorite holiday, Halloween. Perhaps she should be a pirate for Halloween as they were sailors!
As for me I am "plugging along" here in Flagstaff waiting for winter, and hopefully snow, to do some XC skiing. The leaves are beginning to turn here. It is this beautiful sight that is one of the reasons I live in Flagstaff. This weekend I am going to try to get up to Lockett Meadow to take some fall pictures. The colors should be coming into their glory on the other side of the Kachina Peaks.
Movies: I saw quite a few while in southern Cal. Norma and I went to see Trouble with the Curve featuring Clint Eastwood and Amy Adams. Although it was OK, I had thought it would be better. I like her a lot as an actor. End of Watch was the best film I viewed there. It was very well acted and gripping police film. The other two were Arbitrage with Richard Gere ad Susan Sarrandon, an interesting movie about high finance and embezzlement , and The Master with Amy Adams, Jacquin Phoenix, and Phillip Seymour Hoffman. It was a well acted movie but I did not think a very good one. It was big disappointment to me. Upon my return home I saw Looper, last Friday. I found it a very compelling film. I am very much looking forward to the fall films as they will be, generally of higher quality, especially Speilberg's Lincoln with Daniel Day Lewis.
That's it from fairly temperate Flagstaff, AZ.
Cheers ALL!
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