and Welcome to 2017, three years since my last blog. Guess I haven't really had much to say, or maybe too much. A lot has happened in my world and the larger one out there, not all of it good. The most monumental was the upset presidential election this past year. It is a travesty that so many American people are so ignorant to have voted in such a racist, misogynistic and egocentric maniacal person. I am afraid with what he has done so far that we are in for a tumultuous 4 years. That is not to mention his cabinet choices. I fear especially for the environment, the National Parks and Wild lands.
I did my last season working for the Park Service in Grand Teton in 2015. Instead of going back as an Interp. Ranger, I worked the backcountry permits office at Colter Bay. The two seasons there (2014 & 15) back in the Park I began in 1999 were, for the most part, great. I got to spend some time with my friends there. Plus, an added bonus was that my sister Norma and her husband, Scott visited the Park for the first time ever. In addition, I was able to be their tour guide for Yellowstone as well. And of course, there are those beautiful mountains.
I will be 71 years old later this month and am feeling it. Went down to Prescott VA Hospital for an Echo Cardiogram and an eye appointment. Both exams came out positive so that is a good thing. This getting old is not for the faint at heart, especially when you think about how much more time you may have . . . My friend Paul who turned 80 a couple of months ago is thinking in terms of ten year increments. For myself, my thoughts tend to go for 5 years at a time. What weighs heavy on my mind are all the icons in the entertainment industry, that I grew up watching (and some I didn't), that have been dying, many in my age range, and some a bit younger.
Another thing that "ages" you is seeing your Grandchildren grow up. My eldest grandson Zac, is 20 years old, 20! It is difficult to take that in. I was getting ready to get out of the army at 20. Cole, the middle grandson, will be 18 next month, the youngest Torin, 14 this summer. Time really does catch up to us all, even if the majority of so called "baby boomers" do not want to think of themselves as "old."
Enough of the curmudgeonly statements for the moment!
Guess I should do my 2016 best films, actors, and directors (not that anyone really cares):
1. Lion
2. Manchester by the Sea
3. Arrival
4. Hidden Figures
5. Hell or High Water
6. Hacksaw Ridge
7. Fences
8. Nocturnal Animals
9. Rogue One: A Star Wars Story
10. Cafe Society
Actor: Casey Affleck, "Manchester . . . ,
Actress: Amy Adams, "Arrival" & "Nocturnal Animals"
Supporting Actress: Michelle Williams, "Manchester . . ." & Viola Davis, "Fences"
Supporting Actor: Dev Patel, "Lion" & Jeff Bridges, "Hell or High Water"
Director: Kenneth Lonerg
an, "Manchester by the Sea"
Again these are selected from me actually sitting in the theater watching the films, no "NetFlicks," "Amazon Prime," or DVDs.
And so it goes . . .
1 comment:
Ahh…return of the curmudgeon. It's a good thing! Need to carve out some time to catch up with you. Work, family, a little illness, and looking for a house fill much of my days. Hope you got to wander in the snow a little.
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