Sunday, March 16, 2008

The Grand, Canyon that is!

Spring has taken hold in Flagstaff, well, almost. After about 3 weeks without new snow, and fairly warm temps, we are supposed to get some over the next couple of days. It is not expected to bring much accumulation but with the equinox fast approaching it isn't any wonder that winter would make some noise going out.

I made a trip up to the Grand Canyon yesterday. I use to go more often but in the last few years have not done so. That is somewhat sad since it is only 75 miles away. It was a pleasant sunny, but chilly day there (comfortable for me, 45 degrees, but the other park visitors were all bundled up). I hiked along the rim for about 6 miles round trip. That is the longest stroll I've taken all winter and feel it a little in my muscles this morning.

The canyon was magnificent as usual. I always marvel at the changing colors as the day proceeds on and the sun is in different positions casting a change of light and shade on the landscape. That is why I like artist Ed Mell's renderings of the canyon. His are not realistic, photographic style landscapes, but more a sense of the place. I am always tempted to buy just one more of the Grand Canyon Chamber Music Festival posters for which he is the artist each year.

The past week or so I have been feeling a bit "down." It was probably a residual affect of the long flu that has plagued me over the past three weeks. But, "the canyon" seemed to dissolve those feelings. There is something about the place that is both settling and "awesome" at the same time.
***One last curmudgeonly note: I hate the bastardization of language in some common usuage. Here I will note the current misuse of the term "awesome." These days everything seems to be "awesome." If everything is "awesome" then it must be average. The word's meaning has to do with phenomena that is extrordinary in some way, not ordinary. But alas, ordinary has become extraordinary, hence, "awesome!" And so it goes . . .

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