Sunday, March 9, 2008

Almost Spring!

This flu/cold is getting pretty tiresome. Some have told me that it can hang around for a month, or more. The weather here (again the weather!) has stayed pretty preSpring like even though there was a slight dusting of snow last night. That helps a little with the illness. At least I know I'm not missing good conditions for XC skiing.

Since one of my very close friends complained that I had not been blogging lately, I decided to put forth a few of my random thoughts. Put it down to the meandering of a curmudgeonly, and grumpy (lately) old guy.

Firstly, this extension of daylight savings kind of pi*#s me off. Last year when it went longer I thought that was it. I didn't realize it was going to start earlier this year. You might say, what do you care you live in Arizona where they do not go along with everyone else? Here's what it is; we are not an agrarian nation any longer. We do not need an extension of longer days to get the crops in. The days get longer anyway. One of my daughters lives in New York; it makes it a 3 hour difference for phone calls (Tania, the eldest daughter is in San Diego, so it makes our time the same and easier to get in touch). Daylight savings does not save any energy because it makes it darker in the morning instead of the evening. And, "trick or treating" in October is not a good excuse for the extension either. Let "Nature" takes its course. That's why there are two equinox, and two solstices!

Secondly, I am sick to death of all of this election stuff. I wish we could get it over with. No wonder very little gets done in the congress and government as this election process gets started sooner each time and elected officials spend most of their time getting ready for the next "go round." Besides, I want these current crooks out of there! Is it any wonder that we are going into recession/inflation with the amount we have spent on this war (not to mention the number of dead)? When Bush and his cohorts came in we had a surplus. Now we are billions and billions in debt. You can bet Cheney's stocks in Halliburton have not suffered, nor has that of the Bush clan's oil interests. They are the worst carpetbaggers since the Grant adminstration.

I suppose that is enough of a tirade for one nice sunny, but chilly day here in the mountains of Arizona. It will not be long, less than two months now, that I will be heading North to the Tetons for my late Spring/Summer/early Fall Ranger job. I look forward to that every year and this is no exception.
Peace everyone!

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