Thursday, March 27, 2008

Warm in the Mountains!

Guess it is time to do another posting. As per my "Weather Channel" style, first is the weather report from Flagstaff. We have had very mild days since last I reported, sunny and in the high 50s and low 60s. That is warm for here. However, March is going out like a lion with strong winds most days. I was out hiking yesterday and there were gusts up to 20 mph.

The Nordic Center officially closed on Monday, and with some regret, my cross-country skis went to the storage unit along with their racks. The AZ Snowbowl (downhill) will close next week. Those closings signal the end of a very good winter for Flagstaff, much like normal ones of the 80s and early 90s.

Students at Northern AZ University (and the Flagstaff schools) were gone on Spring Break last week and it was pretty quiet here. They are back now while others passing through town are on their "breaks." It is interesting how these breaks get staggered throughout the nation, and even in AZ. When I was young it was simply "Easter Break," and almost everyone was out at the same time. Now, we begin to get a larger influx of "out-of-towners" during this time of year. Of course, it could be the change in weather as well.

Even I will be hitting the road in a couple of weeks. San Diego County and family beckon me this time of year before I head up to the Tetons for 5 months.

1 comment:

Ranger Bob said...

You might want to consider bringing your skis to work with you in the Tetons, ranger! There is over 5 feet of snow on the level at Pacific Creek according to my art teacher buddy Greg Houda. We get some sun, some warmth maybe in the 40s and then we get more snow! Ground that was melted clear two weeks ago is white again. Three days this past week morning temps were under 5 degrees. It'll be a late spring because it's already overdue. Leaves me wondering when the high country will open. There'll be plenty of water, for sure. Enjoy what spring you have. Mooselee and I head south this Friday for some warmth and relaxation. We'll see you up here soon after that, ol' buddy!