Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Early Morning Musings . . .

Good Morning!

And, it is early in the morning. It seems for the past few weeks my sleep patterns have had me up even before "the crack on dawn," usually somewhere between 3:30 and 4:30am. That would be nice if I were a rancher or farmer, but I am not. There seems to be conflicting info about how much sleep one should get and the affects of its deprivation. My doctor says I should be fine with six hours, others say a minimum of seven is what you need. At any rate, I am one sleepy individual most of the time lately.

For the past two weeks, since arriving home in Flagstaff, I have been very busy. First there was the "prep" leading up to, and then Natasha's wedding itself. Then, secondly, amidst all of that, I decided to move in order to give the "newlyweds" my old apartment. So, following the wedding and beginning before this last weekend I began the arduous task of moving across town in Flagstaff. My friend Marc came up Saturday with his truck to help with the more cumbersome items, but most of the moving has taken place with 6 loads so far in my Subaru.

This move fits in with something that I had decided to do before leaving the Tetons. My life needed a "jolt" of sorts and my decision was to "pare" it down some. That is, there are too many things that I have been hanging on to that need to go, most of it material stuff. Moving is a good time to rid yourself of things like years of old Patagonia catalogs and other magazines. Why keep them, I never go back and look at them. The same is true of books. I love books but have decided to keep only a few and recycle the rest. Then, of course, there are non-material parts of life that need some change as well.

As for the wedding, it was a lovely affair and Natasha looked beautiful. My sister Norma was able to fly over from San Diego. She was the only representative from my family. I wish Tasha's sister, Tania, could have made it over, but alas, my three grandsons made that much too difficult. However, in general the "turn-out" for the wedding and reception was good with a lot of Natasha's old friends and my friends that she had grown-up with in attendance.

I like my newest son-in-law Jason. I am lucky that both son-in-laws are good guys.

The next thing on my agenda is a trip to San Diego County to see family and a "friend." I miss my eldest daughter and grandsons. The boys always grow so much during my long periods away from them. This trip will mark the last time I will stay at sister Norma's house as it has been sold and she will be moving before I again return. It has been around 30 years in this house for her. She hosted many family get-togethers there. But, with our Mom gone and other changes in the air, it is time to move on.

Movie Reviews: Inspite of being busy, as many of you might suspect, I have squeezed in a couple of movies. Probably the best of them is Spike Lee's new WWII film, Miracle at St. Anna's. The performances are great and it covers a subject not generally known about, that is black American soldiers during that war. It is not overtly a political/racial movie as many of Lee's past films. Other critics have said it meanders too much. I think they are wrong. But be prepared; it is not a short film.

I just saw DiCaprio and Russell Crowes performances in Body of Lies. Again, the acting performances are good but I do not recommend this film to everyone. It is an interesting presentation of the CIA and their involvement in the Middle East but lacks something I cannot quite put my finger on.

Eagle Eye has an interesting premise but fails to follow through with a credible story. I think the male lead is miscast. Shia Le Beoff, or whatever his name is, just doesn't carry it off well. On the other hand I do like the female lead, even though her perfomance is wasted in this film.

Ciao All!

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