Thursday, June 12, 2008

Just Another Late Spring Day in the Tetons!

A Snowy morning at Colter Bay here in Grand Teton National Park!

As you can see the weather is a bit unsual here in Grand Teton National Park for this time of year. It has snowed the last two days and is at the moment raining. The visitors to the park are not all that enthusiastic about it all. I love it. Every morning, or at least for the last few days, Yellowstone Park has closed their roads until snow can be cleared off of passes. They usually open by mid-morning but park visitors tend to pile up down in this park as we are on average a thousand feet lower.

We are trying to figure out if summer will be here on the actual date of the solstice, or not. There has not been much of a spring so far . . . has delayed most of the seasonal flowers. Hope is in the forecast. Temps are supposed to move up tomorrow and through the weekend. I hope so, for one reason, I haven't been able to take a hike yet. As it is, hiking will still be limited on mountain trails for a while. My favorite trail to Amphitheater Lake will not be hikeable by the likes of me until about July.
Old Ranger in the Tetons
One interesting phenomena we have encountered is visitors comments about Global Warming. Many seem to think that all this "chilly" weather means that we do not have anything to worry about. But, what they do not understand is that all these climatic changes are a part of it. The abnormal fluctuations are actually indications of the process. We are not out of the woods, and need to be concerned!

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