Wednesday, January 23, 2008

Home Sweet Home?

It is still cold here in Flag, 7 degrees this morning. It seems I am a bit fixated on this weather thing in these blogs. This time it has more relevance as I now have a "cold" and haven't had heat in my abode for three days. The property management folks sent someone up yesterday but it turns out that they had to "overnight" a part for the furnace.

At the moment my heating consists of a small space heater, a wall electric heater in the bathroom and in the mornings, opening the oven door on the stove (don't worry it's electric too). As for the night time I sleep in my sleeping bag and turn off the heating devices (safety first). Guess you might say I am the Flagstaff Mountainman!

I should not complain, there are many transients in this town who sleep out most nights. Flagstaff enacted an ordinance against "camping out" in the city limits (with exception of the RVers who overnight in Wal*Mart parking lot) but the creative "homeless" tend to find a way. Many of them freeze in the winter. The city is making an old school into a overnight homeless shelter but local residents in the area are opposed. At any rate it will only make a small dent in the problem as it will only hold 20 people. Why transients would pick Flag in winter is a mystery to me. Why not Tucson, it warmer?

More snow is forecast for tomorrow. I cannot wait; XC skiing calls.

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