Thursday, January 31, 2008


This morning I was thinking about the coming Presidential primaries. Earlier this week I cast my vote for John Edwards (we can vote early at county building). Now, even before the official primary on Tuesday, he has dropped out. Someone said to me yesterday, "Why did you vote for him; he didn't have a chance!" In addition, they initmated that perhaps I had wasted my vote. My response was that at the least, in the primary, I get to vote for who I want, not who I will have to "settle for" in the main election. And that is the rub isn't it? We have to settle, and it seems that is what almost always happens.

In the end I can support Barak or Hilary, but I do not like the negativity coming from either of their camps. I definitely cannot vote for a republican. Look where they have taken us, especially the arrogant "W" and his hinchmen. At least they were able to fill their own pockets while in office at the expense of the rest of us. I am sure Cheney can move back into Halliburton with ease, not that he ever really left.

Whoever gets into the White House will have a huge mess to clean-up. When Bush arrived he had a thriving economy bequeathed to him by the previous administration. Some of my more conservative friends have pointed out to me that Clinton was just lucky that he rode an economic up turn. But, he did not create a trumped up war that has drained our countries finances and killed our young people.

That's enough of a political tirade for so eary in the morning. Usually, I try not to argue politics very often. Most people have made-up their minds and it just becomes a futile fencing match that is more agravating than it is pleasurable.

And so it goes . . .


The Cat's Py-jams! said...

Blah blah blah daddio! I love me some Hillary! Saw her on Tyra this morning and must say she is a classy dame. Its Obama that is doing most of the slinging of damp earth. He's all uppity like these crazy women i live with, always thinking everything is against them 'cause they black honey! Nope. It's 'cause you do things that annoy people. Anyway, kudos to Tyra for not going the way of the Oprah. There. There is my tirade!

Evan said...

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